What to Expect
What should I expect when I visit Anchor Palos?
Anchor Palos is a friendly church. You can expect a warm welcome when you arrive. You will find your way around easily, as we will have signs everywhere to direct you where you should go. We provide children's ministry for newborns through grade 5 during our services. Our trained children's workers have all completed a background check. We also provide a mother's room in the back of the worship center for women and nursing children. Our worship team will lead an extended time of praise and worship consisting of mostly contemporary music with an occasional hymn set to a modern tune. The Pastor will preach a message from his Bible,
What time should I be there?
Our services are at 9 am and 11 am. If you have children, plan to arrive 15 minutes early to work through the check-in process.
What should I wear?
At Anchor Church Palos we focus on the heart more than on the outward appearance. When you come